Krishiv111 / liverpoolkm3

This is my personal blog for APCSA where I document my grows and glows as a student with all my learnings in java.
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FRQ and CB Reflection #12

Open Krishiv111 opened 5 months ago

Krishiv111 commented 5 months ago

FRQ 1 (Arrays/Arraylists/2D Arrays)

The List<Person> allPersons = repository.findAll();, allows to retrieve all users which starts the iteration process of going through each the 1D array of the users to find the similar classes as we had to iterate within the FRQ to find sums of the array along with checking the diversity of each array. Although we used different casses our PBL and CB FRQ both implement the same principle of using arrays and set up and iterate through different data.

FRQ 2 (Classes)

FRQ 3 (Method and Control Structures + 2D Arrays)

{ "stats": { "2024-02-07": { "period1": "stats", "period2": "csa", "period3": "calcab", "period4": "apes", "period5": "bio" } } }

FRQ #4


  1. After Completing this frq it tested my understanding of the array parts in java which a key component I need to work on part a came easy to me but I needed some help on structure of syntax and formatting which is wheere I struggled. Part B was what I taught in trimester 1 on 2d arrays and traversing and accesing new elements and storing so there wasnt much trouble there. However I struggled on getting the Diverse array to work on part C becuase I was a bit confused by the instructions which left me with a lot of error testing to do. Overall advanced concepts within arrays is what I need to practice more on.
  2. THis was where I found most of my suceses in and was the question I was most undrstood as it tested my ability to create a class with approprate fields and instance vairable, constructors that intialized my variables and methods that created the matching game, however I had to reference previous lessons to understand the implementation of a string builder to add the correct vairables to match up the guess
  3. THis tested my knowlege of array lists and implements tation of how to append and traverse through an array list I struggled most at the part wher I had to test the data and see if my methods were actually working. I sturggled mostly on part B to get the actual value and remove it from the sparsed array.
  4. For me this was the hardest FRQ, as it tested the advanced parts of java by testing the idea of polymorphism between the classses which truly made it hard for me having to make me spend time a lot and look at lessons and watch videos to completly understand.
  5. PBL: I feel like PBL has taught me how to implement all these different java skills together into one additionally it has helped me understand the application of these classes and arrays where on the FRQ;s I need to work on integrating the syntax with my ideas.
AniCricKet commented 5 months ago


FRQ 1: 0.9/0.9

FRQ 2: 1/0.9

FRQ 3: 1/0.9

FRQ 4: 0.9/0.9

Total: 3.8/3.6


FRQ 1: 1/0.9 Showed a good example of Arrays being used in their project. Explains the code well.

FRQ 2: 1/0.9 Showed the Person class, and demonstrated the POJO in action. Explains the use of classes in PBL in detail.

FRQ 3: 0.9/1 Doesn't have a specific usage of a 2d sparse array in their project, but showed data sent within a JSON file we can compare to a 2d array through its similar structure of the adding data by each date.

FRQ 4: 0.9/0.9 Shows the implements and extends method and talks about what he learned from the FRQ.

Also wrote a full FRQ reflection talking about his observations as well as lessons that he's learned. Demonstrated a good understanding of the concepts and explained to me what he needs to spend more time on.

Overall Score: 3.8 + 3.9 = 7.6 / 7.2