KryeKuzhinieri / predicting-driver-stress-using-deep-learning

Predicting driver stress levels using Physionet's SRAD (drivedb) dataset with methods such as LSTMs, RNNs, CNNs
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Conversion #1

Closed karandeep8 closed 1 year ago

karandeep8 commented 1 year ago

Sir, after this script, an empty folder is created, the respective folder does not contain any csv file, can you please help me, how to do the conversion properly?

Code that I am using

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np import pandas as pd import wfdb # WaveForm-Database package. A library of tools for reading, writing, and processing WFDB signals and annotations.

def convert_to_csv(path='stress-recognition-in-automobile-drivers-1.0.0./', new_folder=True): """ Code to convert all .dat files (ECG signals) in a folder to CSV format Path - location of the dat files (str) new_folder - whether to put the files in a new csv folder (boolean)

@authors: Abhishek Patil, Enes Ahmeti
print('Reading files...')
if new_folder:
    Path(path).joinpath("csv_files").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Get list of all .dat files in the current folder
for file in read_data(path=path, extension="*.dat"):
    # Get only the name from file.
    filename = file.stem
    # Read the signal data
    record, fields = wfdb.rdsamp(filename)
    # Drive7 hand GSR is misspelled.
    fields['sig_name'] = ["hand GSR" if s == "hand GSr" else s for s in fields['sig_name']]
    # Column headers
    header = ",".join(["-".join(x) for x in zip(fields['sig_name'], fields['units'])])
    # Add to the corresponding folder
    filename = Path(path).joinpath("csv_files") / f"{filename}.csv" if new_folder else f"{filename}.csv"
    np.savetxt(filename, record, delimiter=",", header=header, comments="")
print('All files read successfully!')

def read_data(path, extension=".csv"): """ Function to read the all the csv/dat files. Since there are many files, it returns an iterator. path - path to the csv/dat files. extension - csv/dat. (if csv, it returns the dataframe else only filename) """ file_paths = Path(path).glob(extension) for file in file_paths: if extension == ".csv": dataset = pd.read_csv(file) yield file.stem, dataset else: yield file


It would be a great help.

KryeKuzhinieri commented 1 year ago

@karandeep8 would be great to share what the issue was so that other people in the future could resolve similar problems. I would assume that the issue was mostly related to paths, but please give a detailed description. Thanks :)