KubaDee / NppTextViz

Plugin to hide lines with or without appropriate text. Or simply select several lines and hide them.
GNU General Public License v2.0
15 stars 5 forks source link


by Jakub Dvorak

This plugin is meant to hide or show lines to help you analysing larger files - logs for example. You can hide all lines that contain text pattern. Or simply select several lines and hide them.
Plugin is based on TextFX plugin v0.25 by Chris Severance.


  1. Install via Plugins Admin or paste the file "NppTextViz.dll" to Notepad++ plugin folder
  2. Copy single line text to clipboard or select any block of text
  3. From plugin menu choose action
  4. Enjoy profit :)

+While holding Caps key when moving cursor you can easily show lines around.

Special Thanks to:

Don Ho for Notepad++
Chris Severance for TextFX

Latest Updates:


Minor update in texts and sequence box


Faster removing visible/hidden lines in large files


Enhancing in Sequence dialog
Minor code optimizations
And several bugs fixed


Fixed bug in Delete selected text


New Sequence dialog - you can check or edit sequence via dialog box
Minor bug fixed


Caps-key unfolding lines is now recorded as sequence
Minor typos in menu


Initial release


DONE: Adding Caps-holding unfolding lines to sequence