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Worldgen Wiki incorrect/misleading info #716

Open Apollounknowndev opened 9 months ago

Apollounknowndev commented 9 months ago

This may be the wrong place for this, if so I'm sorry :P

The example script for adding an ore is incorrect. Example script, lines 14 to 17:

    'minecraft:gravel',     // replace gravel...
    /minecraft:(.*)_dirt/   // or any kind of dirt (including coarse, rooted, etc.)...
], 'minecraft:tnt')       // with TNT (trust me, it'll be funny)

This regex doesn't target regular dirt. Instead of using a regex, it should reference #minecraft:dirt which automatically targets all dirt/grass blocks, both vanilla and modded.

Apollounknowndev commented 9 months ago

This warning is also completely incorrect. image Dirt generates very early on; while I can't remember off the top of my head when dirt generates, I know it's done before the lakes step.

MaxNeedsSnacks commented 9 months ago

Marked this as documentation related, hopefully I remember to fix this during the wiki migration

TelepathicGrunt commented 9 months ago

Dirt veins are spawned during the UNDERGROUND_ORES stage: https://github.com/misode/mcmeta/blob/ef461e15706042769ef417437536ed6bc5b4f1d0/data/minecraft/worldgen/biome/beach.json#L38C18-L38C26

Which is after LAKES but before UNDERGROUND_DECORATION image