LACMTA / tap-cards

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Follow-up questions #1

Open frozenpandaman opened 2 years ago

frozenpandaman commented 2 years ago

Hey! Thank you so much for compiling this list – this is pretty amazing & so helpful! As I mentioned on Twitter, for the past year-ish I've been compiling an unofficial master list myself at (with images of all the designs as well!) and am super happy to hear you're open to collaboration 🙂 I just spent some time cross-referencing this repo's pdf with my list and have a few clarifying questions. Any info you could provide would be super appreciated, and hopefully mutually beneficial!

1. Unreleased 2020 designs

To my knowledge, these 2020 cards which are mentioned were never produced and/or released (likely due to COVID), if you're able to confirm:

(i.e. the only cards that did come out in 2020 were the following: Valentine's Day; LADOT 40th Anniversary [limited/no public release]; Pride/BLM [limited release]; Lakers; Veterans Day [employee-only])

2. Other unknown cards

I'm unsure as to which cards these refer to, or to my knowledge they haven't been mentioned publicly & I don't have pictures:

Other than the ones mentioned in 1 & 2 above, I have pictures for every card mentioned (not including the personalized retirement ones, naturally)… minus the potential caveats below:

3. Clarifications

I have questions about the following jobs, if you're able to clarify anything:

Finally, any more info on the "TAP Card Designs Library" (#13-2095) would be great!

Thank you again for everything!!

matikin9 commented 2 years ago

@john6ordon - Let me know if you want me to look into any of these!