LAMaglan / PokeFightSimulator

A (simple) fight simulator between any two Pokemon using FastAPI with Jinja frontend
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Include type in fight logic #9

Closed LAMaglan closed 3 months ago

LAMaglan commented 4 months ago

Include it as some sort of multiplier. Will need to take into account when either pokemon have multiple types

LAMaglan commented 3 months ago

Would need to include a list "type" as a (class) attribute in the Pokemon class

LAMaglan commented 3 months ago

Will be fairly complicated, as there are many types: take into account type advantages, but also when there are multiple types for a given pokemon

LAMaglan commented 3 months ago

Could represent type advantages as a nested dict:

type_advantages = {
    "Normal": {
        "Normal": 1.0,
        "Fire": 1.0,
        "Water": 1.0,
        # ... other type matchups and their respective multipliers
    "Fire": {
        "Normal": 1.0,
        "Fire": 0.5,
        "Water": 2.0,
        # ... other type matchups and their respective multipliers

Have in own file,, which I then import to etc

LAMaglan commented 3 months ago

Base nested dict on e.g. this chart:

LAMaglan commented 3 months ago

Or, instead of nested dict, have a csv file that load into python with pandas. More readable?

LAMaglan commented 3 months ago

Starting here: