🏳️‍🌈 中国的性少数群体一直渴望着自由平等
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不要bb了 #46

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

能不能别在github上搞这些事情了 要搞去其他的网站去搞好不好 等你妈的封了才会高兴是吧 还有到底谁歧视同性了???

KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your issue.

AyagawaSeirin commented 3 years ago

宁就事nmslese? 笑死我力,,,

ghost commented 3 years ago
iptables -t nat -I INPUT --sport 443 -m string --string github --algo bm -j REJECT
KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

Calm down ladies and gentlemen. Most LGBT is not illegal in China also, right? @axuplus

Refer: Refer:

KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@axuplus And, if you have any further question, welcome to issue. :D

AkigawaRinko commented 3 years ago

能不能别在github上搞这些事情了 要搞去其他的网站去搞好不好 等你妈的封了才会高兴是吧 还有到底谁歧视同性了???


ESUAdmin commented 3 years ago

大家冷静点,别给GitHub引流!! 难道大家没发现Github渐渐的已经快连不上了吗 像这种危险的操作暴露给zf 只会增大gfw墙掉GitHub的可能性 建议截图传播完事,不要暴露地址


KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@ESUAdmin maybe you should also open an issue to shadowsocks and v2fly

KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@ESUAdmin Reply to him :D

KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@KevinZonda and some fucking stupid 法轮功 and also programthink

KagurazakaHanabi commented 3 years ago



ghost commented 3 years ago

能不能别在github上搞这些事情了 要搞去其他的网站去搞好不好 等你妈的封了才会高兴是吧 还有到底谁歧视同性了???

GitHub被封關我什麼事?你看不到事物的根源嗎?LGBT吃你家林檎了?幹你娘齁就你也配寫程式? 你是弱智儿吗?这他妈是一个搞技术的网站 不是搞平权的好吗 去gayhub啊 我并没有帮着谁讲话,你还"Github被封关我什么事",就你这个智商只配吃屎懂吗

ghost commented 3 years ago

能不能别在github上搞这些事情了 要搞去其他的网站去搞好不好 等你妈的封了才会高兴是吧 还有到底谁歧视同性了???

GitHub被封關我什麼事?你看不到事物的根源嗎?LGBT吃你家林檎了?幹你娘齁就你也配寫程式? 你是弱智儿吗?这他妈是一个搞技术的网站 不是搞平权的好吗 去gayhub啊 我并没有帮着谁讲话,你还"Github被封关我什么事",就你这个智商只配吃屎懂吗 我从头到尾讲过跟LGBT歧视有关的话题了??哪种人在Github搞平权了?你也只配在背后叫唤了 傻逼

ghost commented 3 years ago




ghost commented 3 years ago

Calm down ladies and gentlemen. Most LGBT is not illegal in China also, right? @axuplus

Refer: Refer:

Yeah,getting married is not legal yet,but i don't see most other countries are not legal as well.


And i do understand the feelings of LGBT people,but take the right way to do these things PLEASE!!!

AyagawaSeirin commented 3 years ago

And i do understand the feelings of LGBT people,but take the right way to do these things PLEASE!!!

LGBT的权益在中国并未得到广泛的支持也是不争的事实,谢谢。 And this is one of the right way.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Calm down ladies and gentlemen. Most LGBT is not illegal in China also, right? @axuplus Refer: Refer:

Yeah,getting married is not legal yet,but i don't see most other countries are not legal as well.


And i do understand the feelings of LGBT people,but take the right way to do these things PLEASE!!!

Anyway,delete this issue, i don't wanna talk about this to someone who's moron. and good luck for this.

KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@axuplus Fuck you for your issue.

KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@axuplus Fuck you for your shitty opinion(s) too.

AyagawaSeirin commented 3 years ago

Calm down ladies and gentlemen. Most LGBT is not illegal in China also, right? @axuplus Refer: Refer:

Yeah,getting married is not legal yet,but i don't see most other countries are not legal as well.


And i do understand the feelings of LGBT people,but take the right way to do these things PLEASE!!!

Anyway,delete this issue, i don't wanna talk about this to someone who's moron. and good luck for this.


Zikinn commented 3 years ago

Calm down ladies and gentlemen.

Most LGBT is not illegal in China also, right? @axuplus



Yeah,getting married is not legal yet,but i don't see most other countries are not legal as well.


And i do understand the feelings of LGBT people,but take the right way to do these things PLEASE!!!

Anyway,delete this issue, i don't wanna talk about this to someone who's moron. and good luck for this.


KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@axuplus refer:

ghost commented 3 years ago

And i do understand the feelings of LGBT people,but take the right way to do these things PLEASE!!!

LGBT的权益在中国并未得到广泛的支持也是不争的事实,谢谢。 And this is one of the right way.

那明天组织起来抗议啊 只会在后面bb 还找不到正确的路子 傻逼

kecrily commented 3 years ago

能不能别在github上搞这些事情了 要搞去其他的网站去搞好不好 等你妈的封了才会高兴是吧 还有到底谁歧视同性了???

不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。 -- 鲁迅

AyagawaSeirin commented 3 years ago

And i do understand the feelings of LGBT people,but take the right way to do these things PLEASE!!!

LGBT的权益在中国并未得到广泛的支持也是不争的事实,谢谢。 And this is one of the right way.

那明天组织起来抗议啊 只会在后面bb 还找不到正确的路子 傻逼


KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@axuplus welcome to report 996icu

KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@AyagawaSeirin correct one thing. He has no smart (which you defined) brain. But has a super brilliant brain.

ESUAdmin commented 3 years ago


BigCoke233 commented 3 years ago

账号变成 ghost 了,看来是拿小号来恶心人的,梳理一下他的言论吧:

能不能别在github上搞这些事情了 要搞去其他的网站去搞好不好 等你妈的封了才会高兴是吧

GitHub 曾经就被 gfw 墙过,我记得是在 2013 年,当时有一堆程序员抗议就又回来了(不过 gist 还是被墙着的,一些”敏感“的仓库也被屏蔽了)。同时,认为在 GitHub 上谈论 LGBT+ 会被”封“,也就是认为 LGBT+ 是像”轮子“、programthink 那样的东西,这还不是歧视?


你是弱智儿吗?这他妈是一个搞技术的网站 不是搞平权的好吗 去gayhub啊 我并没有帮着谁讲话,你还"Github被封关我什么事",就你这个智商只配吃屎懂吗

弱智儿这样既冒犯别人又冒犯残障人士的词汇能在这种场合说出来,我已经对他没抱什么希望了。另外,他回复的这个叫做 AkigawaRinko 的人,从 TA 使用繁体字和「程式」这样的词汇就已经可以看出来他是台湾那边的了,大陆封杀 GitHub 跟 TA 的确没什么关系(

Yeah,getting married is not legal yet,but i don't see most other countries are not legal as well.


And i do understand the feelings of LGBT people,but take the right way to do these things PLEASE!!!

第一句貌似有些表意上的问题,而且有些过于中式,我就当作是 ta 过于激动而表述有误了吧,他想表达的意思应该是「Yes, same-sex marriage is not legal (in China) yet. But in my view, it's illegal in most countries in the world as well.」。他说「i do understand the feelings of LGBT people」,如果这是真的,他就不会说出「在 github 宣扬 LGBT 平权会让 github 被中国大陆封禁」这样的话。

那明天组织起来抗议啊 只会在后面bb 还找不到正确的路子 傻逼

抗议怕不是什么正确的路子,游行倒还说得通。中华人名共和国宪法规定,人民有游行示威的权利,但: 根据《中华人民共和国游行示威法》第六条、第七条规定,向游行地公安机关申请;游行途经两市县的,向两地公安机关共同的上一级公安机关申请。 是的,这是要申请批准的,我想在现在的中国进行 LGBT+ 平权游行,怕是通过不了。 所以,你说的正确的路子呢,傻逼?


学校解聘同性恋教师可能不合法,但这也证明了歧视 LGBT+ 群体的人不在少数,并且还广泛地存在于教育体系中,这时候把法律拿出来说是就是在偷换概念。之后还说出”用人单位也有解聘的权利啊,就跟有些公司不聘用有纹身的不很正常“这种自相矛盾的话(顺带一提,都什么年代了还有人歧视纹身


KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@BigCoke233 准确来说,法律其实更能看出解雇行为本身的不合理。。。

kecrily commented 3 years ago

我们永远纪念着变相歧视性少数的 @auxplus 用户

ghost commented 3 years ago



AkigawaRinko commented 3 years ago

能不能别在github上搞这些事情了 要搞去其他的网站去搞好不好 等你妈的封了才会高兴是吧 还有到底谁歧视同性了???

GitHub被封關我什麼事?你看不到事物的根源嗎?LGBT吃你家林檎了?幹你娘齁就你也配寫程式? 你是弱智儿吗?这他妈是一个搞技术的网站 不是搞平权的好吗 去gayhub啊 我并没有帮着谁讲话,你还"Github被封关我什么事",就你这个智商只配吃屎懂吗


AkigawaRinko commented 3 years ago


ghost commented 3 years ago



6324ccc commented 3 years ago

能不能别在github上搞这些事情了 要搞去其他的网站去搞好不好 等你妈的封了才会高兴是吧 还有到底谁歧视同性了???


KevinZonda commented 3 years ago

@6324ccc 淡定了啦~

ghost commented 3 years ago

@KevinZonda Please cancel "Pinned issues" for this issue.

kecrily commented 3 years ago

@zrzjohn I had unpinned it.