LGUG2Z / komorebi-application-specific-configuration

A central place to document all tweaks required for Komorebi to 'just work' with as many applications as possible
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feat(apps): bunch of new apps #42

Closed H4M5TER closed 1 year ago

H4M5TER commented 1 year ago
H4M5TER commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your review Let me explain the questions

  1. Floating rules. The others is personal but for CopyQ it's a clipboard software which intended to pop up and disappear again. I'm sure most people don't want its position to be change by komorebi.
  2. ManicTime. Is there a way to make ManicTime managed by komorebi?
  3. OBS. 3.1 Menu bar pop up is important. When you click the menu bar the pop up will appear (red rectangle). It will disrupt the layout without the floating rule. image 3.2 设置 actually means Settings. According to your explanation, OBS's settings is not fixed sized so just delete it.
  4. Border overflow. Can you explain what the border overflow option means for me? I'm not sure about that.
  5. Everything. I have two screen which is zoomed differently. When the Everything window is on the part of main screen which is next to another screen, it will be zoomed incorrectly. With border overflow option it works fine.
H4M5TER commented 1 year ago

I have made #43

sitiom commented 1 year ago
  1. Floating rules. The others is personal but for CopyQ it's a clipboard software which intended to pop up and disappear again. I'm sure most people don't want its position to be change by komorebi.

I used to use CopyQ on Linux. The way I use it is that I toggle the tray popup (which is not managed by the tiling wm) instead of the main window. By default, that should cover most use cases. If you want to float the main window, you can pass your own overrides.yaml containing the rule.

2. ManicTime. Is there a way to make ManicTime managed by komorebi?

Upon testing, yes: https://github.com/LGUG2Z/komorebi-application-specific-configuration/commit/88bbbe25130bdefa2a312762312f444ff5ceea05

3. 3.1 Menu bar pop up is important. When you click the menu bar the pop up will appear (red rectangle). It will disrupt the layout without the floating rule.

It works just fine for me without the rule.

4. Border overflow. Can you explain what the border overflow option means for me? I'm not sure about that.

Some apps (most notably Electron apps) have borders that overflow beyond the layout area and cover the gap space around it. Here's an example:

Without the rule: image With the rule: image

5. Everything. I have two screen which is zoomed differently. When the Everything window is on the part of main screen which is next to another screen, it will be zoomed incorrectly. With border overflow option it works fine.

Can you elaborate more? Do you mean when Everything is between the two screens?

H4M5TER commented 1 year ago

good case when window on left c817fc03c0dd680d763de69c4650583d

good case when window on right with border overflow option 3a69298a12e5d87123826b91a1cb32c7

bad case when window on right without option 45b5534e5db7816daac7130fa32c3689

H4M5TER commented 1 year ago

You are right. I can't reproduce the OBS issue. Can you explain more about how the overrides.yml works?

sitiom commented 1 year ago

Window extending from the first screen to the second screen? I also have two screens with different zoom sizes, and I can't seem to replicate this. @LGUG2Z A bug from komorebi perhaps?

You are right. I can't reproduce the OBS issue. Can you explain more about how the overrides.yml works?

If you are using a static configuration, you can define your own rules directly in the komorebi.json


Alternatively, if you use an AutoHotkey config, you can run the ahk-app-specific-configuration or ahk-asc command to generate the script for the rules:

komorebic ahk-asc applications.yaml overrides.yaml