LLazyEmail / markdown-to-email

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small tasks, April clean up #387

Open atherdon opened 3 years ago

atherdon commented 3 years ago
  1. check for any stupid custom symbols

like everything that isn't at ASCII maybe - should be mentioned and send a bold notification about it. or just utf-8 or how it

  1. check for more than 2
    and notify during generating

  1. check later - https://github.com/maildev/maildev

  1. ci/cd + codeclimate + renovate setup
  2. json/yaml config I want to be able to play with some of our settings, related to our template. Like updating titles.

Or for example, I want to update "contact us" link Or I want to update something else.

  1. create a separated command that will start generator and also obfuscate our HTML like npm run generate:small will return a minified version of our HTML template

  2. implement image resizer enchancement


Plus, we should find a way of how we'll upload new images into our gitlab creative repository. So all assets finally will be located in the same place.

or we can google babel image resizer




or we can do it on the AWS S3 side

  1. https://files.reallygoodemails.com/emails/how-to-achieve-effective-shopify-email-marketing.png
  2. check later https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here
vadim9999 commented 3 years ago

Now it's May)) or this task will be in the 2022?

atherdon commented 3 years ago
