LOOHP / Limbo

Standalone Limbo Minecraft Server (Currently 1.21.3)
Apache License 2.0
239 stars 29 forks source link

Added 2 things: Added the default commands to the server jar, and added PlayerList header and footer support #35

Closed GamerDuck123 closed 3 years ago

GamerDuck123 commented 3 years ago

Move the default commands from the default plugin jar to the server jar under com.loohp.limbo.commands.Defaults

Added a way to edit PlayerList header and footer (these things:) image

Which adds the following: PacketPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooter -> The packet sent to the player setPlayerListHeaderFooter -> Added in Player object to easily set the header and footer I also added tab-header and tab-footer into the server.properties so anyone can edit it