Enthusiasm, understanding of CCL, Firecrown, TJPCov, and Augur interfaces.
Detailed description
Discuss changes in CCL v3, create plans to improve and expand upon current interfaces to achieve a full theory pipeline between cosmology, likelihood, and covariance codes. Updates, questions, and suggestions can be posted here: https://github.com/orgs/LSSTDESC/projects/10
Firecrown <-> CCL <-> TJPCov <-> Augur Huddle
Meeting to discuss current and future updates for Firecrown, CCL, TJPCov, and Augur interfaces and implementations.
Contacts: @paulrogozenski @marcpaterno @vitenti @damonge @felipeaoli @c-d-leonard @fjaviersanchez Time: Morning following Tag-up (~1hr, 10-11am) Main communication channel: #desc-mcp GitHub repo: https://github.com/LSSTDESC/firecrown/tree/master, https://github.com/LSSTDESC/CCL/tree/master, https://github.com/LSSTDESC/TJPCov/tree/master, https://github.com/LSSTDESC/augur In-person/Virtual/Hybrid: Hybrid Zoom room (if applicable): https://stanford.zoom.us/j/99467190177?pwd=cmdVWjM2T2Y4T2tmT2V1RGFKR0pHZz09
Goals and deliverable
To fill out this Github project with updates, questions, and suggestions for each module: https://github.com/orgs/LSSTDESC/projects/10
Resources and skills needed
Enthusiasm, understanding of CCL, Firecrown, TJPCov, and Augur interfaces.
Detailed description
Discuss changes in CCL v3, create plans to improve and expand upon current interfaces to achieve a full theory pipeline between cosmology, likelihood, and covariance codes. Updates, questions, and suggestions can be posted here: https://github.com/orgs/LSSTDESC/projects/10