La-Locanda-Del-Tech / locanda-bot

The official La locanda del tech's telegram bot's repo
MIT License
4 stars 3 forks source link

Locanda bot

The official telegram bot of La locanda del tech

Language Language Language Version Framework Framework

🔨 Developer Mode

🤖 How to start the bot


Please ensure to name the variable as reported below

Variable Description Type
DEBUG Debug mode Boolean
BOT_TOKEN The bot token from botfather String

📖 Documentation

For bug reporting and feature requests, please refer to the issues page

👨🏻‍💻 Contributors

To add a new command and contribute to the project, fork this project and open a pull request

Use this preset to create your command handler

Make sure the file name is the same as the command name

import {bot} from '@/index.ts';

export default () => {
    bot.command("<command_name>", async (ctx) => {
        // Your code here

🧑🏻‍⚖️ License

The software is distribuited under the MIT LICENSE. Every distribuition of the code without the credits to the original author is considered illegal

Copyleft © 2024 - La locanda del tech
Made with ❤️ by I'm Alex