LagPixelLOL / ChatGPTCLIBot

ChatGPT Bot in CLI with long term memory support using Embeddings.
MIT License
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Compiling on MacOS M1 #5

Closed fivestones closed 1 year ago

fivestones commented 1 year ago

Do you have any idea how to or instructions for compiling on an M1 Mac? I've been trying to build with cmake but I keep running into lots of errors. Do you have any hints? Thanks!

LagPixelLOL commented 1 year ago

Did you use vcpkg? Also try use GitHub Actions, iirc there's an Apple M1 option.

fivestones commented 1 year ago

vcpkg worked. I haven't used that before but for others who might want to do the same, I did:

git clone
cd ChatGPTCLIBot
cd main/interface/
rm -r clip
git clone
cd ../..
git clone
cd vcpkg
./ --disableMetrics
cd ..
cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
cmake --build build

That should do it. Thanks!

LagPixelLOL commented 1 year ago

Also you can delete the vcpkg.json so you can install the libraries at a global level not at the project level, if vcpkg detects theres a vcpkg.json, the installed libraries can only be used in this project but not in others.

And you dont have to do git clone since its a submodule so you can run

git submodule update --init --recursive --remote --merge

in the project's root folder to initialize the submodule so you dont have to manually git clone it.