LagoLunatic / DSVEdit

Multi-purpose editor for ROM hacking DS and GBA Castlevania games
MIT License
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HoD: Automatic removal of entity palettes from room palettes list causes issue for some rooms #59

Open LagoLunatic opened 3 years ago

LagoLunatic commented 3 years ago

Known to happen in room 00-10-1B. The event's palette (for Death) needs to load at index B to avoid overlapping the warp point's palette, which is hardcoded to always load at index A for some strange reason. But with the automated palette loading DSVEdit forces the game to use, it loads it at index A instead. (Changing the position of the warp relative to Death alters which of the two palettes is loaded first, but doesn't fix the issue of them both loading onto the same slot.)

Unknown if there are other rooms this occurs in.