LalanaChami / Pharmacy-Mangment-System

👨‍💻 :hospital: MEAN stack Pharmacy Management system.
MIT License
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give the deployment guideline #213

Open iamrubayet opened 2 years ago

iamrubayet commented 2 years ago

please give the deployment guide

Moriort commented 1 year ago

The truth is, I don't find any sense in this project, nothing that can't be done with a CRUD and the corresponding characteristics. Also, zero support, interest, and updates from its creator. The project is thrown away. Thanks for nothing.

Abdi-Go commented 1 year ago

The truth is, I don't find any sense in this project, nothing that can't be done with a CRUD and the corresponding characteristics. Also, zero support, interest, and updates from its creator. The project is thrown away. Thanks for nothing.

What do you think can be added, modules/features etc. to make it better and useable??