Lan2Play / eventula-manager

Lan Party Event Manager App
GNU General Public License v3.0
27 stars 14 forks source link

Announcement and user survey: Fork off, legacy branch and future of Eventula + Survey who uses Eventula and how? #842

Open Apfelwurm opened 1 month ago

Apfelwurm commented 1 month ago

What is happening?

Significant changes are coming to the development of Eventula that are important for all users.

The current master version of Eventula will be moved to the legacy branch in December and will no longer be updated afterward (action steps below).

After that point, we will make major changes to the code, which may partially affect or alter the current state of data and functionality. Since we have no insight into who is using our system, we ask that users participate in developer communication on our Discord server so that we can better understand which features are being used and how, and how they can best be integrated into the future structure. Additionaly or alternativeley, feel free to participate in this user survey.

We also recently opened the github request to fork off from to make better use of the github merge request ui. Thank you so much for your work in the past! :) At this point, we will not merge our changes to the upstream anymore, it became its own project.

Actions nessecary for users

User survey

This survey aims to gather information about who is using Eventula, besides SX-Lan and Lan2play, and how they are using it.

We would love to know:

disable legacywarning

You might noticed the warning that now appears for all admins as a notification at the bottom. You can disable this warning by setting the environment variable DISABLE_LEGACY_WARNING=true on your instance. Only this way is possible to make sure only the people who host eventula can disable the warning, so consequences were understood.

Was passiert?

Es stehen bedeutende Änderungen in der Entwicklung von Eventula an, die für alle Benutzenden wichtig sind.

Die aktuelle Master-Version von Eventula wird im Dezember in den Legacy Branch verschoben und danach nicht mehr aktualisiert (Handlungsmöglichkeiten siehe unten).

Ab diesem Zeitpunkt werden wir große Änderungen am Code vornehmen, die den aktuellen Daten- und Funktionszustand teilweise beeinflussen oder verändern könnten. Da wir keinen Überblick darüber haben, wer unser System nutzt, bitten wir die Nutzenden, an der Entwicklerkommunikation auf unserem Discord-Server teilzunehmen, damit wir besser verstehen, welche Features wie genutzt werden und wie sie in die zukünftige Struktur integriert werden können. Zusätzlich oder alternativ könnt ihr gerne an dieser Nutzerumfrage teilnehmen.

Wir haben auch kürzlich den Fork off von bei github beantragt, um die Merge Request Oberfläche besser nutzen zu können. Vielen Dank an Th0rn0 für Arbeit in der Vergangenheit! :) Ab diesem Punkt werden wir unsere Änderungen nicht mehr in das ursprüngliche Projekt zurückführen, es ist zu einem eigenen Projekt geworden.

Notwendige Maßnahmen für Nutzenden


Diese Umfrage zielt darauf ab, Informationen darüber zu sammeln, wer Eventula, neben SX-Lan und Lan2play, nutzt und wie es verwendet wird.

Wir würden gerne wissen:

Legacy Warnung deaktivieren

Gegebenenfalls bist du hier, da du die Legacy Benachrichtigung in Eventula bekommen hast. Diese kann deaktiviert werden, indem die Umgebungsvariable DISABLE_LEGACY_WARNING=true auf deiner Instanz gesetzt wird. Es wird nur dieser Weg unterstützt um die Meldung zu deaktivieren, damit sichergestellt ist dass diese Meldung von der Betreibenden Person gelesen und verstanden wurde.

Majawat commented 1 month ago

  1. Do you use Eventula in an online or offline context? Online only; just using as a registration site currently.

  2. Do you use our Docker image or another method? Docker image (lan2play/eventula-manager:latest)

  3. Do you organize online or offline events (or both)? Almost exclusively offline (in-person) events.

  4. Which features are you using in Eventula?

    • Events - We typically use start-end times, description, ticketing, polls, gallery.
    • We will be trying out seating plans for the first time next year. Not sure what the use for different seating plans per event is for.
    • We offer a "weekend pass" that includes an on-site bunk bed and a "day pass" for come-and-go. Would be nice to be able to give a coupon code for a discount/free ticket.
    • We used staff/admin tickets for our first one, but found it caused limitations on something. Will probably only use Free tickets going forward.
    • Matchmaking - Not used
    • Tournaments - Will be doing so for the first time in 2025. Ultimate Chicken Horse.
    • Automatic game server management - Not used
    • Payment providers - Yes
    • Mailing - Current system is too limited, would like to be able to mass-email everyone event updates
    • Polls - used once, to sign up for game interest, wasn't heavily used. Ended up using another poll system to gather event feedback and future event planning
    • Shop System - Not used
    • Credits - Not used
    • Gallery - Used to post images of events. What we do is create a Google Photos shared album, have everyone add to it, then I download those and upload them to Eventula.
    • Multiple login gateways - currently only local, but will be enabling Steam integration soon.
  5. Which payment providers do you use in Eventula? PayPal.

  6. Do you use the entrance client? Not currently, we're too small to need something like that currently. ~16-20 people that all know each other.

  7. Is there anything not covered here that is essential to your organizing process?

    • We organize food (potluck) and a game schedule/signup. So having a way to do that would be helpful. We're currently using to sign up for food, so any way to sign up for stuff would be helpful.
    • And currently have no good way of signing up for interest in games. What we'd like to do is be able to say "hey, I wanna play this game, and ideally at this time" if the players want. What ends up happening is everyone kinda sits around trying to figure out who wants to play what. We'll be trying a day-of spreadsheet next year.
  8. Do you have any suggestions for changes, even if they might affect currently implemented features?

    • Would like to be able to mass-email participants (and participants of former events) from the system. To let them know "hey, next year's event is live, come sign up", or "here's an update/reminder of the coming event", or a post-event survey.
    • Being able to integrate with Steam somehow and see what games people have, and how many people have "X" game would be neat.
    • Allowing users to upload images would be nice. But would need to be able to approve those images before they're posted to a Gallery.

I hope this helps, feel free to ask me for any more details and I'll be glad to assist!