In case the requested weather data is not available in the database, implement functionality to fetch the data from the external weather API (OpenMeteo). The fetched data should be stored in the database if necessary.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] Implement a method to check if the weather data exists in the database.
[ ] If the data does not exist, call the external API to fetch weather data.
[ ] Process the API response and store the weather data in the database if necessary.
[ ] Ensure the API call works for global weather stations and French departments.
Description: In case the requested weather data is not available in the database, implement functionality to fetch the data from the external weather API (OpenMeteo). The fetched data should be stored in the database if necessary.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] Implement a method to check if the weather data exists in the database.
[ ] If the data does not exist, call the external API to fetch weather data.
[ ] Process the API response and store the weather data in the database if necessary.
[ ] Ensure the API call works for global weather stations and French departments.