Implement the functionality to fetch the nearest weather stations based on city or department coordinates. The weather stations should be returned in a list, and the nearest stations should be determined based on latitude and longitude.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] Implement a method GetNearestWeatherStations that takes latitude and longitude to find the nearest weather stations.
[ ] Ensure that the nearest stations are selected based on Haversine distance calculation.
[ ] Return the nearest weather stations in the specified count.
Description: Implement the functionality to fetch the nearest weather stations based on city or department coordinates. The weather stations should be returned in a list, and the nearest stations should be determined based on latitude and longitude.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] Implement a method GetNearestWeatherStations that takes latitude and longitude to find the nearest weather stations.
[ ] Ensure that the nearest stations are selected based on Haversine distance calculation.
[ ] Return the nearest weather stations in the specified count.