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Create Frontend Pages for Laravel Project (Login, Register, Dashboard, Profile, etc.) #41

Closed ClementBobin closed 3 days ago

ClementBobin commented 3 days ago


We need to develop the frontend for the Laravel project, including the following pages:

Login Page: A page where users can log in with their credentials.
Register Page: A page where new users can create an account.
Dashboard Page: An admin or user-specific dashboard to view the data and manage accounts.
Profile Page: A page where users can view and edit their personal details.
Additional Pages: Such as a password reset page, email verification page, and any other necessary frontend components.

The frontend should be clean, modern, and responsive. The pages should be integrated with Laravel’s built-in authentication system (using Breeze, Jetstream, or Fortify). Acceptance Criteria:

Login Page:
    A form for users to enter their email/username and password.
    A "Forgot Password" link and redirection to the reset password page.
    Error handling for incorrect login credentials.
    Responsive design for both desktop and mobile views.

Register Page:
    A registration form that includes fields for email, password, name, and any other necessary user information.
    Integration with Laravel's built-in registration system.
    Email verification integration (user gets a verification email upon successful registration).
    Responsive design for both desktop and mobile views.

Dashboard Page:
    A landing page for users once logged in.
    Admin Dashboard: Displays admin-specific data such as user management, weather data, and system stats.
    User Dashboard: Displays user-specific data (e.g., personal info, recent activities, etc.).
    Links or buttons to manage user settings, weather data, and other resources based on the role.
    Sidebar or navigation menu for accessing different sections of the dashboard.
    Responsive design for desktop, tablet, and mobile views.

Profile Page:
    Displays current user information (name, email, profile picture, etc.).
    Option to edit and update personal details (e.g., name, email, password).
    Option to change the password.
    File upload functionality for profile picture change.
    Save changes functionality with success/error messages.
    Responsive design for all devices.

Password Reset Page:
    A page to allow users to reset their passwords by entering their email.
    A success message or error if the email is invalid.
    Redirect to login page after password reset success.

Additional Pages:
    Email Verification Page: Displays a message asking the user to verify their email after registration.
    Error Pages: Such as 404 or 500 error pages (basic error page templates).
    Logout Option: A logout button on the dashboard that redirects users to the login page after successfully logging out.


Set Up Basic Frontend Structure:

Create the Login Page:

Create the Register Page:

Create the Dashboard Page:

Create the Profile Page:

Create the Password Reset Page:

Additional Pages:

Responsive Design: