The length of the temperature axis varies from 10min [-10 to 0] right before a new sample is captured to (10min-sampling period) [-(10-sampling period) to 0] right after a new sample is capture.
For example, I sample one of my sensors with a custom command with an interval of 300 seconds. That means that every 5 minutes, the x-axis starts at -5minutes, then increases monotonically to -10minutes then suddenly drops back to -5min.
This is confusing to read since the scale length is constantly growing & shrinking -- and even worse you get non-integer numbers like -8.9
A cleaner implementation would be to fix the start of the scale at -10min (and hence the length of the scale) and then have data fall off the end naturally
The length of the temperature axis varies from 10min [-10 to 0] right before a new sample is captured to (10min-sampling period) [-(10-sampling period) to 0] right after a new sample is capture. For example, I sample one of my sensors with a custom command with an interval of 300 seconds. That means that every 5 minutes, the x-axis starts at -5minutes, then increases monotonically to -10minutes then suddenly drops back to -5min.
This is confusing to read since the scale length is constantly growing & shrinking -- and even worse you get non-integer numbers like -8.9 A cleaner implementation would be to fix the start of the scale at -10min (and hence the length of the scale) and then have data fall off the end naturally
(even better would be to fix this and implement my feature request so that the length of the scale would be configurable)