Lchiffon / wordcloud2

R interface to wordcloud for data visualization.
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no hover effect #40

Open cw-huiyan opened 6 years ago

cw-huiyan commented 6 years ago


This might be a really stupid question... I thought the hover effect exists by default, however, the plot I get on both Viewer in RStudio and shiny are completely static... I tried with the most basic example "demoFreq", but I can't see anything interactive. What am I missing...?


cw-huiyan commented 6 years ago

Found the issue! So this problem only exists when I install the package from github. When I re-install the package from CRAN there is no problem.

reisner commented 6 years ago

@cw-huiyan The github version is problematic for me as well, and also seems a version behind the CRAN version. Not sure what's going on with that ...

jacobyxu commented 6 years ago

I made some changes to make it work, please try devtools::install_github("JacobXPX/wordcloud2")

apsteinmetz commented 4 years ago

I find that the hover effect works on the first wordcloud2 I render but not on subsequent wordcloud2's on different tabs in my shiny document. CRAN version wordcloud2_0.2.1