League-of-Foundry-Developers / torch

Simple torch module for Foundry VTT
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How to configure light source for user? #69

Open geoidesic opened 9 months ago

geoidesic commented 9 months ago

Docs say: Because the light source to use is now user-configurable, we no longer select a light source for you based on fallbacks. As it stands, if you do not explicitly select your light source, it will pick any among the light sources you have equipped, in no particular order.

... but when I log in as a user I do not see "Torch" as an option in Settings. So in what way is it user configurable?

lupestro commented 8 months ago

It isn't done in settings - it's right-click pop-up context on the torch icon in the token HUD so you can switch light sources easily in play.

It's all inventory based now. Put the light source in your inventory and you have one so you can use it. If it's something like candles or torches that get consumed per use, you need to keep an eye on how many you have, as well. Grab a couple of extras when you're in town....

There have been requests to be able to play in systems where Torch knows about different light sources by just statically configuring a light source without players having to set up their equipment. It's on my short list of configuration features to add. It will involve an "Ignore equipment" checkbox in the configuration, perhaps pulling the name of the light source to use from the "Inventory Item To Use" from the configuration as well, (defaulting, of course to Torch) or perhaps just offering every light source in the game on the context menu to put the choice at their fingertips from scene to scene.

For options like that, I need to sort out the "per-user" and "user-configurable" vs. "per-game" and "GM-configurable" business as well. Do I really want to give every user the option of pulling a gazillion watt floodlight out of their butt? How much klout do I give the GM to constrain it? (Well, maybe only if the GM gets to offer them the heat damage they suffer when they put it away. ;) ) I'm inclined to conclude that restraint is an "out of band" issue between the GM and the players, make it as easy to access as possible, and stay out of the middle.

Anyway, that's how it works today, and there's the option I'm thinking of adding. Feedback welcome on the feature. It's easier to apply before I start coding anything and before I have a bunch of users who've gotten used to whatever I end up doing. (I forget who quipped "God made the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh, but he didn't have an installed base.")