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[Arcs] End of Round simultaneous triggers #62

Open turmoilbyrd opened 3 weeks ago

turmoilbyrd commented 3 weeks ago


The discussion started when someone asked https://discord.com/channels/476234833572397056/963112189802201108/1300019441639231559

What happens when two Unions get played on the same action card?

(possible in campaign)

This is a clear case of simultaneous triggers. The main uncertainty was who decides the resolution order.

End of Round steps

The round structure in the campaign game is modified. Is this the correct order?

  1. Player with Initiative takes a turn
  2. Other players take turns
  3. Check Initiative
    • 🆕 Resolve Council or Event
  4. Discard Cards & Check for New Round

My understanding is that the When the round ends trigger on Union cards is Step 4, after the initiative transfers, and after event/council resolution. Is this correct? If so, the new holder of initiative after the transfer will get to decide the order of resolution for the two Union cards. The 2nd card to resolve will fizzle due to lack of target.

turmoilbyrd commented 3 weeks ago

An alternative interpretation is the union triggers happen before Step 3. This flows from a strict interpretation of the Union card FAQ

yggdrasilsYeoman commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks byrd. Just to fully explain the referenced interpretation:

FAQ on Unions:

You "collect the action card... at the end of the round, after all players have finished their turns.."

Step 3 of a Round:

After everyone has taken a turn, check whether the initiative marker goes to a new player. (base book p. 11)."

Event Timing:

"At the end of a round where any Event cards were played, do the following just after checking whether initiative changes: (Campaign book p. 13)."

"Round" Glossary definition:

The time in which each player takes a turn.

It does not seem possible that End of Round effects resolve after Events, since the FAQ indicates they resolve at the same time as the initiative check which preempts Events. It also seems most likely the EoR effects resolve before the initiative check too; otherwise one would assume the FAQ would say so.