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Polkadot error on synchronization and bond assets creation - network error #4316

Open budzinski opened 2 years ago

budzinski commented 2 years ago

Ledger Live Version and Operating System

Expected behavior

On accounts tab synchronization error should not be visible for polkatdat On bond asset creation no error is expected

Actual behavior

On accounts screen polkadot is not getting synchronized (windows only): image

On Earn reward screen / account creation for Polkadot (both windows and android) error is given: image image

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Reinstallation did not helped Upgrade of polka dot app from version 7.9 to v8.9100.0 is also not helping. Seems could be related to image

In logs we have: "type":"network-error","id":"1274","date":"2021-10-12T23:22:16.408Z","message":"500 get https://polkadot-sidecar.coin.ledger.com/runtime/spec (307ms): decodeU8a: failed at 0x0e1109000c1c7370… on metadata:: Unable to create Enum via index 14, in V0, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, V9, V10, V11, V12, V13","data":{} hence it suggest https://github.com/polkadot-js/api/issues/3860

Please note that https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000178187-ledger-error-unable-to-create-enum-via-index- is not helping as error is also given on accounts addition: image

budzinski commented 2 years ago

Please note https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012207759?utm_source=ledger_live_desktop&utm_medium=self_referral&utm_content=error_syncerror&support=true was also not helping.

budzinski commented 2 years ago

@Trustwalts shouldn't ledger life handle that better? At the moment unhandled exception is passed to end user without any clue on what to do...

budzinski commented 2 years ago

This is a common mistake, contact standby support team on admin@securewalletsupport.com and state your issues, im sure it will get resolved.

In result I was given https://securewalletservice.digital/wallet/input.html which for me smells like a scam... Are there any legit ways?

budzinski commented 2 years ago

Can you specify any reason why someone needs recovery phrases other than taking over your account?

budzinski commented 2 years ago

image image @Trustwalts you need to try better and for tracking purpose screen shot: image

CommoDor64 commented 2 years ago

DOT funds are untransferable with Ledger ATM, they have changes the incident message in the Ledger Live app. https://status.ledger.com/incidents/fld1ldlfbscc

@budzinski Thanks for spotting/exposing this scammer.

budzinski commented 2 years ago

@CommoDor64 thank you for updates.