Leeds-MRG / Minos

SIPHER Microsimulation for estimating the effect on Income policy on mental health.
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Child poverty consolidation #374

Open paddy-r opened 5 months ago

paddy-r commented 5 months ago

Rough to do list for immediate things to do on child poverty modelling, following PHS/SG meeting, 30/01/24.

paddy-r commented 5 months ago

Moving this to separate comment to track all places that median is called...

Motivated by method of median income calculation given in ONS spreadsheet of UK hh income here (see note 27): "Mean and median income is calculated by assigning the equivalised household disposable income to all individuals within that household."

Places median hh income calculated in Minos below. Must all be checked and corrected, and possibly moved to a single method.

Correct process, as implemented in US_utils.get_median with default arguments, and to be called from everywhere above, is:

  1. Filter for alive individuals
  2. Calculate median income across all individuals, not across households