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Quest "Unlocking a Myth (Samurai)" - Weaponskill points won't register #1777

Open zarvlad opened 6 years ago

zarvlad commented 6 years ago

Date & Time: Jan 11th ~1AM EST

FFXI Client Version
(use /ver to see your version)
: 30171205_0

Server's Expected Client Version matches?
(use !ecv to see expected version)
: No

Character Name: Zarv

Nation: Bastok

Job(level)/Sub Job(level): Samurai 99/Dancer 49

NPC or Monster or item Name: Zalsuhm

Zone name: Lower Jeuno

Coordinates (use !where): (H-9)

ffxiah.com link (for items issues only): http://www.ffxiah.com/item/18443/windslicer

Multi-boxing? (multiple clients on same connection): Yes

Steps To Reproduce / any other info: Quest info: http://ffxiclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Unlocking_a_Myth_(Samurai)

Assuming Weaponskill points works properly, my hypothesis would that since the Runic Disc is not available due to Assault not working, there is no way for the game to track the points for the Nyzul Weapons (as all the WS Quests have a Key Item involved, not only the weapon)

Another guess would be related to Weaponskill points not registering properly if Level Synced.

...or, simply, my version breaks this quest line :-)

The weapon itself was acquired on Retail

R3P0FFXI commented 6 years ago

@zarvlad this is not coded in DSP the level 70 skill just unlocks at level 70 with the maxed amount of GKT skill. For future reference no level 70 WS quests are coded.

zarvlad commented 6 years ago

@R3P0FFXI Which would mean the lv 75 Mythic WS Quests aren't coded either, hence my problem? In this case, should the Mythic WS also be auto addded like the Lv 70 and the Empyrian WS?

Jessland86 commented 6 years ago

For Mythic and Relic weapon skills you need to have the Mythic or Relic weapon equipped in the main hand. There is no quest currently to unlock them for use with other weapons. Empy weapon skills are available to all weapons of the appropriate type and job after reaching the appropriate skill requirement.