Share a brief history of your project and organization
The Sentinel-2 mission is part of the European Union Copernicus programme for Earth observations. Sentinel-2 consists of twin satellites, Sentinel-2A (launched 23 June 2015) and Sentinel-2B (launched 7 March 2017). The two satellites have the same orbit, but 180° apart for optimal coverage and data delivery. Their combined data is used in the Digital Earth Africa Sentinel-2 product. Together, they cover all Earth’s land surfaces, large islands, inland and coastal waters every 3-5 days. Sentinel-2 data is tiered by level of pre-processing. Level-0, Level-1A and Level-1B data contain raw data from the satellites, with little to no pre-processing. Level-1C data is surface reflectance measured at the top of the atmosphere. This is processed using the Sen2Cor algorithm to give Level-2A, the bottom-of-atmosphere reflectance (Obregón et al, 2019). Level-2A data is the most ideal for research activities as it allows further analysis without applying additional atmospheric corrections. The Digital Earth Africa Sentinel-2 dataset contains Level-2A data of the African continent. Digital Earth Africa does not host any lower-level Sentinel-2 data. Note that this data is a subset of the Sentinel-2 COGs dataset.
Is this project associated with other projects/ecosystem stakeholders?
If answered yes, what are the other projects/ecosystem stakeholders
Where was the data currently stored in this dataset sourced from
AWS Cloud
If you answered "Other" in the previous question, enter the details here
No response
If you are a data preparer. What is your location (Country/Region)
If you are a data preparer, how will the data be prepared? Please include tooling used and technical details?
No response
If you are not preparing the data, who will prepare the data? (Provide name and business)
No response
Has this dataset been stored on the Filecoin network before? If so, please explain and make the case why you would like to store this dataset again to the network. Provide details on preparation and/or SP distribution.
No response
Please share a sample of the data
aws s3 ls --region af-south-1 --no-sign-request s3://deafrica-sentinel-2/
Total Objects: 76153674
Total Size: 3.5 PiB
Confirm that this is a public dataset that can be retrieved by anyone on the Network
[ ] I confirm
If you chose not to confirm, what was the reason
No response
What is the expected retrieval frequency for this data
For how long do you plan to keep this dataset stored on Filecoin
Less than 1 year
In which geographies do you plan on making storage deals
Greater China, Asia other than Greater China, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia (continent), Antarctica
How will you be distributing your data to storage providers
Cloud storage (i.e. S3)
How did you find your storage providers
Slack, Partners
If you answered "Others" in the previous question, what is the tool or platform you used
No response
Please list the provider IDs and location of the storage providers you will be working with.
1.f02813403 UK
2.f02814393 US
3.f02830321 VN
4.f02837226 UK
How do you plan to make deals to your storage providers
Boost client
If you answered "Others/custom tool" in the previous question, enter the details here
No response
Can you confirm that you will follow the Fil+ guideline
DataCap Applicant
Project ID
Data Owner Name
Digital Earth Africa
Data Owner Country/Region
South Africa
Data Owner Industry
Social Media Handle
Social Media Type
What is your role related to the dataset
Total amount of DataCap being requested
Expected size of single dataset (one copy)
Number of replicas to store
Weekly allocation of DataCap requested
On-chain address for first allocation
Data Type of Application
Public, Open Dataset (Research/Non-Profit)
Custom multisig
No response
Share a brief history of your project and organization
Is this project associated with other projects/ecosystem stakeholders?
If answered yes, what are the other projects/ecosystem stakeholders
No response
Describe the data being stored onto Filecoin
Where was the data currently stored in this dataset sourced from
AWS Cloud
If you answered "Other" in the previous question, enter the details here
No response
If you are a data preparer. What is your location (Country/Region)
If you are a data preparer, how will the data be prepared? Please include tooling used and technical details?
No response
If you are not preparing the data, who will prepare the data? (Provide name and business)
No response
Has this dataset been stored on the Filecoin network before? If so, please explain and make the case why you would like to store this dataset again to the network. Provide details on preparation and/or SP distribution.
No response
Please share a sample of the data
Confirm that this is a public dataset that can be retrieved by anyone on the Network
If you chose not to confirm, what was the reason
No response
What is the expected retrieval frequency for this data
For how long do you plan to keep this dataset stored on Filecoin
Less than 1 year
In which geographies do you plan on making storage deals
Greater China, Asia other than Greater China, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia (continent), Antarctica
How will you be distributing your data to storage providers
Cloud storage (i.e. S3)
How did you find your storage providers
Slack, Partners
If you answered "Others" in the previous question, what is the tool or platform you used
No response
Please list the provider IDs and location of the storage providers you will be working with.
How do you plan to make deals to your storage providers
Boost client
If you answered "Others/custom tool" in the previous question, enter the details here
No response
Can you confirm that you will follow the Fil+ guideline