Lever-age / leverage

Empower citizens of Philadelphia to use campaign finance data when making informed decisions about who they donate to, who they support, and who they vote for.
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Root API endpoint throws an error #35

Closed modpluz closed 6 years ago

modpluz commented 6 years ago

Root API endpoint throws a flask error.

lottspot commented 6 years ago

Can you document the steps to reproduce (I know which error you're talking about, but just so it's documented here).

modpluz commented 6 years ago

Steps to Reproduce:

Expected: Landing/Races page to load.

Actual: Api Error: jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound which is as a result of an error.html template not existing. ~The root cause of the actual 500 error is yet to be determined.~ The root cause was a mysql connection - Access denied for user 'leverage'....

lottspot commented 6 years ago

Ah so this is caused by #37

modpluz commented 6 years ago

So it would seem. Closing this off.