A plugin for Sublime Text to make Github Gists and get feedback.
Clone this repository- note the location where you are downloading the code. For example, ~/Code/SublimeTextGistPlugin
Create a symlink for the plugin- otherwise you'll need to close and reopen Submline Text every time you make a change!
In a Terminal, navigate to where your Sublime Text packages are stored.
cd ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages
Note: This directory may be different if you are using a different version of Sublime Text.
Use the following command to create a symlink from your current directory to the plugin directory.
ln -s ~/Code/SublimeTextGistPlugin .
The path may change depending on where you cloned the plugin code. You can check your symlink with ls -l
Test the plugin- Open the developer console in Sublime Text. Go to the View
menu and select Show Console
. Then select some text and right-click to open a menu and navigate to the LexLadies Gist Creator
command and click Create Gist
Need more help? See some screenshots in the wiki.
Open your Windows menu, find Command Prompt, right-click, and choose Run as Administrator
In the Command Prompt enter commands like these, but replace D:\Users\jbonewit\Documents\GitHub
with the path to where you cloned this repository:
mklink "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\gist-creator.py" "D:\Users\jbonewit\Documents\GitHub\SublimeTextGistPlugin\gist-creator.py"
mklink "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Context.sublime-menu" "D:\Users\jbonewit\Documents\GitHub\SublimeTextGistPlugin\Context.sublime-menu"
Right-click in Sublime Text to open a menu and click the 'Create a Github Gist' command.
While developing the plugin, if you are using a symlink you shouldn't have any problems. Otherwise, you may have to close and reopen Submline Text to redload your changes. This will cause Sublime Text to reload your plugin and make your changes available.
Package Control, Sublime Text's way of managing plugins, tries to delete directories and files that aren't installed plugins. It will throw an error in your console for LexLadiesGistCreator due to it being a symlinked directory.
To prevent this annoying error from appearing:
Open Package Control user settings by pressing cmd-shift-P
and choosing Package Control > User Settings.
Add the following:
Restart Sublime Text. You should still be able to run our GistCreator, but that error will go away.