LiMinggang / madedit-mod

MadEdit-Mod is a cross platform Text/Hex editor(based on the madedit project @ sourceforge)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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能不能增加大纲功能? #298

Open harvey-git opened 4 years ago

harvey-git commented 4 years ago

Please provide the following information

Madedit-Mod version (or branch): MadEdit-Mod 0.4.17
platform/architecture: Ubuntu/x86_x64 compiler and compiler version: GCC 7.3.0 wxWidgets 3.0.4 build 13:27:40 Jul 20 2019 please describe what symptom you see, what you would expect to see instead and how to reproduce it. 如题,希望能有个大纲栏,然后文字内容按顶格或缩进的不同自动把顶格那行作为大纲显示出来,这样编辑内容时可以迅速通过点击大纲定位。当前的只能通过搜索功能近似达到类似效果,然而最近发现搜索输出浮动窗口不知道啥情况,偶尔会莫名其妙得消失,而且如果中间编辑过搜索出的内容,再点击搜索栏之前的定位就无效了。 ps能不能把linux版改回使用0.4.16內建wxWidgets的版本,0.4.17的外置wxWidgets版本界面性能太差了!最恼火的就是大于100k的文件用鼠标选择一段文本时,要么卡住,要么选择区域乱飞,要么变成拖动选择区域文字乱飞。

gli-spirent commented 4 years ago


我还真不知道”外置wxWidgets版本界面“会有这些问题。之所以改成外置是因为跟wxWdigets官方论坛一些老鸟们讨论跨平台编译的时候,这些人说内置的可能导致一些库冲突,而且我在FreeBSD上遇到了这个问题,就改了。你遇到的问题我怀疑是wxWdigets 3.0的问题,内置的用的是wxWidets 3.1.2。


harvey-git commented 4 years ago

感谢提醒,我刚刚将ubuntu的内置wxWdigets3.0,升级到了提供的 3.1版本,果然界面性能问题(包括鼠标乱跳)的问题消失了。再次感谢。

harvey-git commented 4 years ago

关于支持大纲功能的开源项目,我觉得这个你可能用得上: 我发现绝大多数支持大纲的功能都是用markdown解析器来完成的!

LiMinggang commented 4 years ago


harvey-git commented 4 years ago

那这个呢? ,这个app的的大纲功能其实也能满足我在linux下的编辑需求,然而这玩意儿编辑大于1m的文件会报错,没有宏支持,中文编码支持也怪怪的。

gli-spirent commented 4 years ago


harvey-git commented 4 years ago

重新反馈一下,我在将4.17的 wxWdigets3.0升级到 [wxWdigets3.1,编辑txt文件界面卡顿的情况大大好转(并没有完全消失),然而我发现在编辑录制好的宏文件时,短短四十多行的宏文件直接导致整个编辑器的界面卡得死去活来的,我几乎完全没法在madedit里面手动修改这个录制好的宏文件,只要这个宏文件 清理空行.zip


====Todo:Add some help string for this====

Use ####! as the prefix of the hotkey, eg ####!Ctrl-Shift-1 Ctrl, Shift, Alt are keys

Create MadEdit Object for active edit

medit = MadEdit() medit.DeleteEmptyLines() medit.DeleteEmptyLinesWithSpaces() medit.TrimTrailingSpaces() medit.ConvertEncoding("GB18030",MadConvertEncodingFlag.TC2SC) medit.ReplaceTextAll("\r\n", "\n", True, False, False) medit.ReplaceTextAll("\n\n", "\n", True, False, False) medit.ReplaceTextAll("1.","⒈", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("2.","⒉", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("3.","⒊", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("4.","⒋", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("5.","⒌", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("6.","⒍", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("7.","⒎", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("8.","⒏", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("9.","⒐", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("10.","⒑", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("1","1", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("2","2", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("3","3", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("4","4", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("5","5", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("6","6", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("7","7", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("8","8", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("9","9", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("0","0", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("笫","第", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("...","…", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("..","…", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("….","…", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("•","·", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("[..]","。", True, True, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll(",",",", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("?","?", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("!","!", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll(";",";", False, False, False, False, -1) medit.ReplaceTextAll("(^[  ]{2,})"," ", False, False, False, False, -1)

medit.ReplaceTextAll("(“[^“”]+)(\n)","$1", True, True, False, False, -1)

medit.ReplaceTextAll("([^。”…!?】))!\?\,\"*])(\n)","$1", True, True, False, False, -1)

medit.ReplaceTextAll("(# 【[^】【]+】)","\n$1\n\t", True, True, False, False, -1)

LiMinggang commented 4 years ago


gli-spirent commented 4 years ago


harvey-git commented 4 years ago



LiMinggang commented 4 years ago


ljhwycxbb commented 4 years ago


老大 先弄就静态的也行呀。看代码的时候好用呀

LiMinggang commented 4 years ago
