LianjiaTech / json-diff

A tool for find difference between two json-string. Support JSON string depth comparison, support JSON array unordered comparison. (用于比较两个JSON字符串的工具,支持JSON字符串深度比较,支持无序数组比较)
MIT License
50 stars 13 forks source link

对象中包含集合对象无法比较 #3

Open hadoop835 opened 2 years ago

hadoop835 commented 2 years ago


wangshiyia commented 1 year ago

对象中包含集合对象无法比较 可以帮忙举个例子么?

shyding commented 2 months ago

例子: str1: { "alarms": { "errors": [], "fatals": [], "notices": [], "warnings": [] }, "code": 0, "create_on": "2024-06-15T11:12:44Z", "disable_paths": [], "disable_points": [], "dynamic_obstacle": {}, "errors": [], "fatals": [], "is_error": false, "model_md5": "825641c34f197977cdb9353c5d233300", "msg": "ok", "notices": [], "report": [ { "area_resources_occupied": [ { "area_name": "new", "avoidObs_area_occupied": { "radius": -1, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "blocks_occupied": [], "path_occupied": [ { "end_id": "LM4", "end_percentage": 0.9358817993531157, "source_id": "LM6", "start_percentage": 0.9358817993531157 } ] } ], "basic_info": { "controller_humi": 21.621, "controller_temp": 52.986, "controller_voltage": 23.878, "current_area": [ "new" ], "current_group": "Group-01", "current_label": [], "current_map": "test_24_5_29", "dsp_version": "v1.0.6.3v5", "ip": "", "model": "AMB-300XS", "robot_note": "", "version": "v3.4.6.17" }, "changes": { "maps": [], "model": true }, "chassis": { "goods_region": 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shyding commented 2 months ago

设置了 specialPath: report.uuid 不生效,