Task generator for PyBossa projects implementing libcrowds-viewer >=3.0.0
This project does not provide a task presenter, results or tutorial files, it merely generates the tasks.json and project.json files for projects implementing LibCrowds Viewer >=3.0.0, such as vue-pybossa-frontend.
Tasks are generated by choosing a task category from config/tasks.json, a IIIF manifest URI and an optional JSON file containing the results data of a previous project-playbills project.
When a JSON results file is provided a task will be created for each result, and each region now associated with that, the idea being that tasks can be chained to highlight increasingly more specific regions in the text (e.g. all names associated with a title). When a JSON results file is not used a task will be created for each image.
Install Python, and pbs, then:
# generate project files
python bin/generate.py <taskset> <manifest_uri> [--results] [--config] [--skip]
# deploy
cd dist
pbs create_project
pbs add_tasks --tasks-file=tasks.json
Once you have updated any additional settings on the server (category, thumbnail, redundancy, webhooks etc.), the project is ready to be published.