LibraryCarpentry / lc-data-intro-archives

Data Intro for Archivists
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Episode 01: Intro to LC - Objectives #11

Closed kekoziar closed 2 years ago

kekoziar commented 5 years ago

Learning Outcomes or Objectives should be measurable. Since it's difficult to measure someone's knowledge (eg 'to know') or understanding, the objectives should described using key words that allow measurement. I personally use Bloom's Taxonomy.

I suggest Know where to go for help during Library Carpentry is changed to Identify where to go for help during Library Carpentry Workshops

doingarchives commented 2 years ago

There is considerable overlap and merging of concepts in archival repositories and 'museums'. Libraries - for these lessons and for the collection statistics is mostly about print resources.

ISO 18461:2016(en) International museum statistics

has some useful information. I do think we want to articulate the existence and manipulation of data sets in these forums.


"A first provisional table - "ALOKMI (Abridged List of Key Museum Indicators)" - has been created. As a first step to comparison, it puts together a large number of relevant data from the various countries in a single table."