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Bad performance in Oculus Touch titles (Unspoken, Bullet Train, First Contact) #353

Open simblarosh opened 7 years ago

simblarosh commented 7 years ago

I am having FPS drop and just overall performance issues with the Revive app and some oculus games. I played a couple of the Oculus touch games today (bullet storm and First contact) just to see how well it worked and in bullet storm esspecially the FPS would fluctuate between good smooth frames down to about 30 or so....

Im running a I7 - 4790 16GB Ram GTX 1070

Any Ideas????

LibreVR commented 7 years ago

I think you applied a render target multiplier in your steamvr.vrsettings, you should disable it.

r00tuzr commented 7 years ago

I had the same issue with multiplier on 1.5 going to bring it back to 1.0 and see if it helps 980ti

Charlie3WX commented 7 years ago

same frame rate drops, with 1070 i7 24gb RAM. target multiplier 1.0 No frame rate drops in First contact, but when train arrives massive frame rate drop in bullet train. Also frame rate drops in level 2 in Lucky's tale. Could't find what is wrong, hope I can get help soon!

LibreVR commented 7 years ago

If you're encountering performance problems and you have confirmed your renderTargetMultiplier is 1.0, then we need to get some performance data.

Here's how to get it:

  1. Go to the SteamVR settings on your desktop.
  2. Open the Performance tab.
  3. Click on 'Display Frame Timing' which opens the Frame Timing window.
  4. Now run the game until the point where you encounter the performance problem.
  5. Capture a screenshot of the Frame Timing window. (Press Alt+Print Screen to capture just the window currently in focus, then paste it in Paint and save it as a PNG)
  6. Go back to the Performance tab in the SteamVR settings and click 'Save Frame Data Now'
  7. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs and look for the file called VRFrames.csv
  8. Copy that file and rename it to VRFrames.txt.
  9. Drag both your screenshot and your VRFrames file into the comment box here to upload them.

With that data I can start to look at some optimizations for your system.

r00tuzr commented 7 years ago

Will update you tonight

CarrotSurvivor commented 7 years ago

make sure youre not using async or any reprojection as games are not designed to work with those

r00tuzr commented 7 years ago

how do you check

Charlie3WX commented 7 years ago

Hey I got some data from Lucky's tale Level 2. At the start of the level, massive stuttering. That happened when I played normally, if I look at closely to the ground where no much pixel is rendering, I got good fps, but as soon as I turned my head to the front where the level is, frame drop was massive.

lucky s tale level2 starting


LibreVR commented 7 years ago

Please don't send it as a PDF, now the data is useless. Just rename it to .txt

Charlie3WX commented 7 years ago

VRFrames.txt image

r00tuzr commented 7 years ago

After changing renderTargetMultiplier to 1.0 everything smoothed out under Medium settings.

LibreVR commented 7 years ago

@Charlie3WX Thanks for the data, I'll look at it thoroughly during the weekend.

simblarosh commented 7 years ago

So this may be a stupid question but what are the functions of the RenderTargetMultiplier and will lowering this setting affect my other VIVE games????

Also what is reprojection???


LibreVR commented 7 years ago

@Charlie3WX Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a clear issue here, the problem is likely because I can't make any optimizations on the CPU-side.

Can you try enabling "Always on Reprojection" in SteamVR Settings -> Developer? If that fixes the issue then the cause is the lack of the "postponed wait" optimization for Unity games.

r00tuzr commented 7 years ago

@simblarosh not a Stupid question: under Steam/config there is a file vrsetting which is a json(text document) if you search it you won't find RenderTargetMultiplier. You can add it to increase you Vive resolution but the higher you increase it the more your performance will take a hit. for example RenderTargetMultiplier:2.0 will double your resolution.

simblarosh commented 7 years ago

@r00tuzr , Ok Thanks so I assume that the system default is 1.0 right??? And does this setting apply to all VR games (Steam games meant for VIVE and Oculus store games using Revive???)??

Thanks Again

LibreVR commented 7 years ago

@simblarosh The reason I asked about that setting is because people should ensure they have it set to the default before reporting performance problems. You can imagine what increasing the resolution will do to performance...