LibreVR / Revive

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Can I run revive with oculus dk2? #407

Closed hedtrip closed 7 years ago

hedtrip commented 7 years ago

Hello,I have a problem with oculus home and can't launch game to play with my dk2(hardwarte error,can't install the dk2 cam and have not full headtracking but want to play games). So I'm trying to use revive injector with my dk2 but the game appears on a window in my monitor bur my dk2 are gray.If I try to play steam games on DK2 they run ok. any suggestion to see revive games at hmd instead at the monitor? Thanks

andrewspode commented 7 years ago

Why would you be using revive if you have an Oculus?

hedtrip commented 7 years ago

Just read above... (hardwarte error,can't install the dk2 cam and have not full headtracking but want to play games). If OH detects an error avoid you to play any game.

CrossVR commented 7 years ago

Revive wouldn't fix that if the games themselves require a tracking camera. But I get the feeling Oculus Home is preventing you from running those games. You can try running the game executable directly instead of through Oculus Home.

hedtrip commented 7 years ago

I only want to play games,doesn't matters if have not tracking cam but oculus prevent play any game or watch videos if one hardware error is detected.No matter if I want to play a game that doesnt needs headtracking so for that i was trying revive.But is a thing from the past(the problem was solved when I can install the dk2 cam drivers finally at win10) Steam lets me play although have not a dk2 camer working.But is a thing from the past.Oculus CV1 is on my way now Thanks

CrossVR commented 7 years ago

That means Oculus Home is preventing that, running the game executable directly should get around that. No need for Revive.

hedtrip commented 7 years ago

Nope I tried in the past.It's absolutely necesaty run trough oculus home any game so for that always OH runs and detect the hardware error (only for OH platform games) Cheers

CrossVR commented 7 years ago

Running through Oculus Home is not necessary for any game as long as you restart the Oculus service (or your PC) after installing the game. This is something Revive relies on.

hedtrip commented 7 years ago dk2 not starts if oh is down.Anyway thanks for the help. Today theres no problem.

danank92 commented 7 years ago

same problem :(