I created a minimal project/test-case, built from this and with the dependencies updated: it works with plain leiningen from the command line, but fails inside LT with java.lang.VerifyError
According to this bug it could be a mismatch of the used protobuf runtime library, which is weird, since lein-protobuf builds its own version of protobuf and then uses it both for generating the code and for using it, but due to this other bug I can't know for sure. I believed that LT uses the same ClassPath as leiningen, but if that's not the case this might be an explanation for this bug.
I've been able to reproduce this issue on 2 different machines
From https://github.com/LightTable/LightTable/issues/1667:
I created a minimal project/test-case, built from this and with the dependencies updated: it works with plain leiningen from the command line, but fails inside LT with
According to this bug it could be a mismatch of the used protobuf runtime library, which is weird, since lein-protobuf builds its own version of protobuf and then uses it both for generating the code and for using it, but due to this other bug I can't know for sure. I believed that LT uses the same ClassPath as leiningen, but if that's not the case this might be an explanation for this bug.
I've been able to reproduce this issue on 2 different machines
Still happens with LT 0.6.7
original issue