Lightning-Universe / lightning-Covid19

Classification for covid-19 chest X-ray images using Lightning
MIT License
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Find additional data sources for pretraining #7

Open oplatek opened 4 years ago

oplatek commented 4 years ago

Link below datasets which can be used for data pretraining and data augmentation

Comment about quality and how they can complement the main dataset we use

Borda commented 4 years ago

@williamFalcon mentioned some Xray dataset (probably just classification but still good for training backbone)

Borda commented 4 years ago

lets have augmentation separate #6

shpotes commented 4 years ago

Some additional x-ray datasets. Different task, but similar modality

vojtsek commented 4 years ago

One more from Kaggle

oplatek commented 4 years ago

Before submitting more, please check if it is not already in torchxrayvision repo. See the datasets there.