LinkedPasts / linked-places-format

Linked Places format is used to describe attestations of places in a standard way, primarily for linking gazetteer datasets.
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Example data uses property "citations" that is not defined in context #10

Open gklyne opened 5 years ago

gklyne commented 5 years ago

From the sample data:

      "citations": [
        {"label": "Ye Olde Gazetteer (1635)",

I note that in the context file, "citation" is defined as cito:cites. I'm guessing that "citations" is intended to be defined with something like:

"citations": {
  "@id": "cito:cites",
  "@type": "@id",
  "@container": "@set"
gklyne commented 5 years ago

Also, I have some concerns about the intended semantics of cito:cites in this context.

Consider the example:

        "geometries": [
            { "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [-1.2879,51.6708],
              "when": {"timespans":[
              "citations": [
                {"label": "Getty TGN (retrieved 4 May 2018)",
              "certainty": "certain"

I think the intent is to indicate that the indicated TGN resource is a source of information for the current location data (which is all very reasonable). What we appear to have in the LPIF example is an object of type geojson:Point that has been sourced from TGN. I'm not sure it makes sense to say that a geometric object cites a data source.