LittleCube-hax / albw-ap-plugin

Connect to ALBW AP from a real 3DS!
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Bug - Hardware crash on v0.0.1 #1

Open campos94c opened 2 months ago

campos94c commented 2 months ago

While playing AP seed generated using provided APWorld on new3DSXL running provided luma boot.firm and patch.3gx, was able to progress fairly deep into my session. Had saved outside Desert Palace and cleared out all checks on the first floor and proceeded to Scoot Fruit out (didnt have Titan's mitts to continue through the dungeon). Animation played all the way through and link was put outside the dungeon, but immediately after the game crashed. Was not able to immediately replicate the crash so could be down to how long I had been playing for or just happenstance. Picture of exception and proper copy of crashdump provided: 20240920_204256 crash_dump_00000004.dmp

campos94c commented 2 months ago

Just had the exact same crash occur with only consistent variable of note being length of session (over 2 hours).

campos94c commented 2 months ago

Variation of what I assume is same crash on original 3DS hardware now. This one occurred much earlier in play session. Providing the crash dump, picture and screenshot of the client. o3DS_crash crash_dump_00000001.dmp

LittleCube-hax commented 2 months ago

Yikes. Well thanks for the report! May I ask what version of Luma3DS you were on before using my build?

campos94c commented 2 months ago

Both were previously on 13.1.2 and updated periodically from when they were originally put on CFW. Oldest they were ever on was maybe v10.3, most likely started with v11? But since have been iterated through 12, 13.1.1 and 13.1.2.

LittleCube-hax commented 2 months ago

When updating, did you follow this guide?

campos94c commented 2 months ago

Yep, every update was dropping in the SD card and replacing the boot firm+3dsx.

LittleCube-hax commented 2 months ago

I know this is picky, but did you also go to the next page and do the steps in "Finalizing Setup" again?

campos94c commented 2 months ago

Cursory glance at what all the script does, believe I would have done some variation of the things it did manually before, but I'll go ahead and just throw it on the original 3DS, run alongside the base fork of luma3DS, swap back and keep an eye out for further crashes.

campos94c commented 2 months ago

Confirmed run the script using base 13.1.2, moved back over to the plugin branch, got a crash. Was not able to take a picture of the crash nor get a crash dump, was absentmindedly mashing b when it occurred and so mashed through to shutdown.

[EDIT] To clarify, still running the v0.0.1 client and actively attempting to stay connected with hardware while playing. I say attempting only because it seems to fully disconnect more often than not.

LittleCube-hax commented 2 months ago

Well I would certainly recommend moving up to the newer version, I lose a lot of assumptions about bugs when an older version is used.

campos94c commented 2 months ago

Agreed, went ahead and updated my client and plugin to the newest version to finish out the seed. Here's hoping that does the trick.