Liturgical-Calendar / LitCalAnniversaryCalculator

calculate anniversaries for saints and other memorials: death, birth, canonization, dedication of a church, etc.
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add missing festivities #5

Closed JohnRDOrazio closed 2 years ago

JohnRDOrazio commented 2 years ago

I had created two different instances of the mysql tables as I was working on this project, since I was working both from home and from the office. I believe the mysql tables in the office were perhaps more updated, with all of the latest festivities. However, I used the mysql tables on my personal server to create the JSON data file, in an attempt to move away from mysql tables, in order to keep the data checked into the repository and allow it to be synchronized to any instance of this project.

Need to pull in the missing data from the mysql tables in the office!

JohnRDOrazio commented 2 years ago

The problem was simply that some of the "TAGS" had null values, since these had been extrapolated from the Liturgical Calendar project tables. The null tags were those that don't exist in the Liturgical Calendar tables because they are defined directly in the code. (This has changed in the meantime in the Liturgical Calendar API, and translatable JSON files have been created for saints added to the calendar by decrees).

Commit 655f9a2d9793a5529cb5e115843fefeef3090724 fixes these null values with values that correspond with those in the Liturgical Calendar API.