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SSH connection with linux-builder fails #913

Open workingdoge opened 6 months ago

workingdoge commented 6 months ago

I'm able to ssh into linux-builder when I manually pass the ssh key and config, so the instance is running.

Failing with error: connecting to 'ssh-ng://builder@linux-builder'... cannot build on 'ssh-ng://builder@linux-builder': error: failed to start SSH connection to 'builder@linux-builder'

  nix = {
    settings = {
      trusted-users = [
      extra-trusted-users = [
      experimental-features = ["nix-command" "flakes" "repl-flake"];
      keep-outputs = true;
      keep-derivations = true;
    extraOptions = ''
      extra-platforms = x86_64-darwin aarch64-darwin
    linux-builder = {
      enable = true;
      ephemeral = true;
      maxJobs = 4;
      config = {
        virtualisation = {
          darwin-builder = {
            diskSize = 40 * 1024;
            memorySize = 8 * 1024;
          cores = 6;

Not quite sure how to introspect the ssh session when calling nix build

daveterra commented 5 months ago

I've been working on something similar.

One thing I did find, which may help you, is that if you are going to overwrite "config" it might be necessary to also enable SSH. In other words, add services.openssh.enable = true to config = { .. }

Secondly, it doesn't seem like logging is enabled by default. I had to add the following to my top level config: launchd.daemons.linux-builder = { serviceConfig = { StandardOutPath = "/var/log/darwin-builder.log"; StandardErrorPath = "/var/log/darwin-builder.log"; }; }; After which, I could view logs on my host machine located at "/var/log/darwin-builder.log".

Hope some of this helps.

georgealexanderday commented 5 months ago

I'm able to successfully build with the linux-builder however unable to personally ssh in. What is the password is it asking for?

LoganBarnett commented 3 months ago

@georgealexanderday it would help to see full output as well as your invocation. Even better if you add some debugging to the invocation with -vvv. For example, if you haven't setup a user with your ssh key, you need to specify a user such as ssh builder@linux-builder.

For what it's worth, I'm able to SSH directly to the builder VM from a fresh setup.

Montmorency commented 3 months ago

If you are looking to ssh into the image I have managed to do that by using the private key generated when the machine image is created; e.g. edit .ssh/config to contain an alias:

Host linux-builder
  User builder
  Hostname localhost
  HostKeyAlias linux-builder
  IdentityFile /etc/nix/builder_ed25519
  Port 31022

In this case the private key has been placed in /etc/nix/builder_ed25519 by nix-darwin. However I am having the same issue as workingdodge where I can ssh into the image but I can not seem to get ssh-ng to work when using the machine image as a builder.

Montmorency commented 3 months ago

Actually after further investigation I managed to get it to work I had updated the permissions to 644 on the /etc/nix/builder_ed25519 in order to run the build as normal user (it could not access /etc/nix/ as a user group) however ssh complaned that 644 is too open for a private key. Updating private key to be 600 and then running build e.g.: sudo nix build --impure --option sandbox false .#packages.x86_64-linux.unoptimized-prod-server then picks up the builder properly.

Zaunei commented 2 months ago

I can confirm a similar behavior:

shlok commented 1 month ago

In case this helps anyone else: To fix the errors "cannot build on {...}: error: failed to start SSH connection to {...}: Permission denied, please try again." and "error: failed to start SSH connection to {...}" (when trying to build using a remote NixOS build machine), two things turned out to be important in my case:

clo4 commented 1 month ago

For me, setting nix.linux-builder.ephemeral = true then applying my config resolved this. No idea why. Possibly some kind of bad state that the rm -f /var/lib/darwin-builder/nixos.qcow2 helped with.

ofalvai commented 1 month ago

+1 to @clo4's suggestion, my login issue was also solved by wiping the state once.

But before the wipe, I also set up @daveterra's logfile idea and found this in the log of the VM:

User not known to the underlying authentication module
clo4 commented 1 month ago

@ofalvai I had the same in my logs too 🫣 It also looked like it was trying to start multiple times, but I don't know enough about the internals of this to know why that could be.