LocalJoost / BlogComments

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Comments on "Fixing hand models spawning when hand tracking is lost in MRTK 2.8.x" #432

Open LocalJoost opened 1 year ago

LocalJoost commented 1 year ago

Original article: https://localjoost.github.io/Fixing-hand-models-spawning-when-hand-tracking-is-lost-in-MRTK-28x/

keveleigh commented 1 year ago

Ooh, good callout on the fact that we still haven't shipped this fix... The PR mentioned as "reverting the fix" really only reverted the breaking change approach to the fix but retains a fix for the original issue. Really though, we need to get a 2.8.3 out sooner rather than later. We'll get on that!

LocalJoost commented 1 year ago

Uhm @keveleigh it wasn't meant as a callout. It was merely a quick fix for a problem that had been pestering and that was apparently hard to fix. At least, that is what your comment on breaking changes made me think. It was not meant as a blame and shame thing. That is not my style. If I have an issue with things the team does I know perfectly well where to find you and I know very well how to give you a piece of my mind 😊 in private. I don't need my blog for that.

keveleigh commented 1 year ago

I meant it in the nicest way possible! Less a "callout" and more a "reminder" 😜 I enjoy the things you write about and legitimately appreciate when you mention things like this that have (for one reason or another) fallen off my radar. No "blame and shame" inferred on my part 😊 no worries!

LocalJoost commented 1 year ago

I am glad we are on the same page here :). I also understand that 2.x is a bit lower on the priority than 3.x, the same goes for me - I hardly blog about anything but 3x.