LonamiWebs / Klooni1010

libGDX game based on the original 1010!
GNU General Public License v3.0
234 stars 72 forks source link

Strange error :) #22

Closed vinhnk closed 7 years ago

vinhnk commented 7 years ago


Lonami commented 7 years ago

Yes… it's really strange. The assets multiplier you are using is x2.0 so perhaps there's an issue with that size, though I tried (with all the sizes) with no issues. Did this occur on older versions? Namely, v0.5 and below?

The textures are 128x128, and I would say Android has to be able to handle that (even if Android couldn't, libGdx should handle it itself…).

Have you developed for Android before? It would be helpful if you could test all the texture sizes to determine if there's a certain offending one or not. Otherwise my best guess is to re-encode the images through ffmpeg or similar, maybe Inkscape exported them in a strange way.

Lonami commented 7 years ago

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