Longhorn-Developers / UT-Registration-Plus

This Chrome Extension improves the course registration experience at UT Austin by presenting more information to students on the Course Catalog! 60,000+ peak Users!
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[FEATURE] Make Bottom Calendar Save Buttons Sticky and Not Scroll in Windowed Mode #420

Open ParthM02 opened 2 weeks ago

ParthM02 commented 2 weeks ago

Pre-submission Checklist

Feature Description

The calendar save buttons in windowed mode, require the user to scroll down rather than be sticky even if it doesn't cover up any classes. Scrolling to see those buttons makes the UI experience slightly uncomfortable.

Proposed Solution

Make the bottom bar that has the save buttons sticky in windowed mode. (no need to scroll to see them if there's no risk of covering classes in the schedule)

UI/UX Considerations

Technical Implementation Details

IsaDavRod commented 1 week ago

I think I understand what you mean. We could do two things:

  1. If there are no async courses, try to keep the save buttons within the view. (Left is old, Right is new) Image

  2. If there are no late evening courses (after 7pm), then make the footer sticky so that it is always in view. If the window height gets any smaller, then scrolling is enabled. The sticky footer would not be able to go further up the calendar. This will at least keep the footer in view for most screen window sizes. Image