Task description: Enable users to upload, update, and display a profile picture in their account, enhancing personalization and user engagement within the app.
Acceptance criteria:
Users can upload a profile picture from their device using a file picker or camera.
The uploaded profile picture is displayed prominently in the user’s profile section.
Users can update their profile picture at any time by selecting a new image.
The profile picture is saved and persists across sessions, visible on the user's account.
A default placeholder image is shown for users who have not uploaded a profile picture.
The feature is tested for responsiveness and compatibility across different devices and screen sizes.
The profile picture is displayed consistently across the app wherever the user's profile is referenced (e.g., in posts, comments,
Task description: Enable users to upload, update, and display a profile picture in their account, enhancing personalization and user engagement within the app.
Acceptance criteria: