Lothrazar / Cyclic

Minecraft mod written in Java
MIT License
159 stars 96 forks source link

Crushing Macerator will not accept raw ores from AllTheOres to process into dust #2063

Open aerialspring opened 2 years ago

aerialspring commented 2 years ago

Minecraft Version: 1.18.1

Forge Version: 39.0.88

Mod Version: 1.6.13

Single Player or Server: Server

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened): Raw Ores drop from ore blocks instead of the ore blocks when AllTheOres mod is installed (this helps with unifying mod ores). The raw ores are treated as ore blocks - smelting produces the ingot, crushing produces the dust, etc. ATO has it's own crushed ores as output. Other mods like Mekanism or Industrial Reborn have their own output for crushing ore blocks, but functionality mirrors what would happen if using the ore block instead. However, the crushing macerator does not accept the raw ore items as an ore to crush.

Currently using ATO v 39.0.0

Log file link: No crash nor other issue, so no log.

Video/images/gifs (direct upload or link):

Lothrazar commented 2 years ago

oh yeah, since mojang and cyclic dont have any native dust it doesnt know about them , so modpacks usually add that, but it crushes ore fullblocks and other stuff by default.

Maybe ATO and if theres other mods with ore dust i can look into some compat