Louis1351 / Spline-Objects-Tool-UE4

A tool for Unreal Engine 4 which allows to spawn Instanced Meshes / Actors / Decals along a spline in the editor. The spline's points can snap to the environment and the objects can be aligned to the surface.
MIT License
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[Suggest] How to make it make all instanced mesh on spline move like track or train #1

Open Osama-Gamal opened 1 year ago

Osama-Gamal commented 1 year ago

I want to know if it's possible to make all instanced meshes or actors move along spline like tank track for example , I want to make them move along spline with speed float value to create track system for tank , I think this feature will be good for many uses

Osama-Gamal commented 1 year ago

This is an example about what I mean , I made a track spline but can't make it rotate like tank tracks
