Ludy87 / xplora_watch

Xplora® Watch Home Assistant Integration
MIT License
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Xplora® Watch Version 2

Xplora® Watch Version 2 integration for Home Assistant

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.\ hacs_badge GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub Release Date GitHub license GitHub stars GitHub issues\ Code style: black\ Github All Releases\ Validate with hassfest and HACS

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Xplora® Watch Version 2

🚨 Important: Upgrading from version 2.8.3 or earlier to version 2.10.* 🚨

  1. ⚠️back up your Homeassistant instance
  2. ⚠️save your backup externally
  3. Preparation
    • 👥There is more than one Xplora® Watch user logged into the Homeassistant instance
      • 🗑️remove the user that is generating the error Platform xplora_watch does not generate unique IDs.
      • 🗑️remove the sensors that are listed as unavailable
      • restart Homeassistant
    • 👤There is only one user for Xplora® Watch who is logged into the Homeassistant instance
      • no further steps necessary
  4. Upgrade the integration and restart Homeassistant instance
  5. Two instances (or more) of Xplora® Watch are now displayed - click on 2 devices new Device 1
  6. an instance with your name at the beginning is the new instance new Device 2
    • click on the old instance
    • Go to the pen in the upper right corner
    • disable this device
  7. (optional for more than one user)
    • add the second user ADD DEVICE
  8. Follow-up
    • new entities are created or old ones are listed as unavailable
    • the old entities can be removed
    • note that the new entities have a new naming convention

Names layout changed (v2.10.0)






IMPORTANCE: Of a service is activated by automation, the sensors will no longer be updated. Therefore, activate the xplora_watch.see service with a corresponding interval.

Features Type
Battery Sensor
Watch-Xcoin Sensor
Watch Step per Day Sensor
Watch Online state Binary Sensor
Watch is in Safezone Binary Sensor
charging state Binary Sensor
Watch silent(s) Switch
Watch alarm(s) Switch
Send Message Notify
Send Message Service Service
Read Messages from Account Service
Delete Messages from App Service
Manually update Service
Turn off Watch Service
Watch Tracking Device Tracker
Watch Show Safezone(s) Device Tracker



Copy the xplora_watch last Release folder and all of its contents into your Home Assistant's custom_components folder. This folder is usually inside your /config folder. If you are running, use SAMBA to copy the folder over. If you are running Home Assistant Supervised, the custom_components folder might be located at /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant. You may need to create the custom_components folder and then copy the localtuya folder and all of its contents into it. Alternatively, you can install localtuya through HACS by adding this repository.


  1. Ensure that HACS is installed.
  2. Search for and install the "Xplora® Watch Integration" integration. GitHub release (latest by date)
  3. Configuration for the "Xplora® Watch Version 2" integration is now performed via a config flow as opposed to yaml configuration file.

Basis Configuration

  1. Go to HACS -> Integrations -> Click "+"
  2. Search for "Xplora® Watch" repository and add to HACS
  3. Restart Home Assistant when it says to.
  4. In Home Assistant, go to Configuration -> Integrations -> Click "+ Add Integration"
  5. Search for "Xplora® Watch" and follow the instructions to setup.

Xplora® should now appear as a card under the HA Integrations page with "Configure" selection available at the bottom of the card.

add in Version 2.2.0 add in Version 2
signin image integration image

Disable scan interval (v2.13.0)

Downloaded from voice messages, Videos and Images (v2.7.0)

Delete Messages from App (v2.6.0)

Read Messages from Account (v2.4.0)

markdown sample

Multilanguage (v2.1.0)

Manually update (v2.0.8 & v2.0.9)

Manually update all information from your watch

manually_refresh image

Change Friendly Name (v2.0.7)

Set Friendly Name Please note that this can also change the entry_id!

Rule format: watchID=New Name Notice the equals sign

friendly_name image

Send Message

Set Target with the WatchID for the receiver watch

require (v2.10.0)

service: notify.xplora_watch
  message: Message
    user_id: 053eb6e5e5b32e502cfb1934cefb77ff
  target: 01102f442f1125f525f5f3336316068

notify image

Send Message via Service (v2.0.3)

message_service image

🏳 Supported Countries 🏳


    custom_components.xplora_watch: debug

Workaround for getting logged out of the Xplora® App on your phone


[v2] - 2022-09-18