LukasHedegaard / datasetops

Fluent dataset operations, compatible with your favorite libraries
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Dataset Ops: Fluent dataset operations, compatible with your favorite libraries

Python package Documentation Status codecov Code style: black

Dataset Ops provides a fluent interface for loading, filtering, transforming, splitting, and combining datasets. Designed specifically with data science and machine learning applications in mind, it integrates seamlessly with Tensorflow and PyTorch.


import datasetops as do

# prepare your data
train, val, test = (
    .named("data", "label")
    .image_resize((240, 240))
    .split([0.6, 0.2, 0.2])

# use with your favorite framework
train_tf = train.to_tensorflow() 
train_pt = train.to_pytorch() 

# or do your own thing
for img, label in train:


Binary installers available at the Python package index

pip install datasetops


Collecting and preprocessing datasets is tiresome and often takes upwards of 50% of the effort spent in the data science and machine learning lifecycle. While Tensorflow and PyTorch have some useful datasets utilities available, they are designed specifically with the respective frameworks in mind. Unsuprisingly, this makes it hard to switch between them, and training-ready dataset definitions are bound to one or the other. Moreover, they do not aid you in standard scenarios where you want to:

Dataset Ops aims to make these processing steps easier, faster, and more intuitive to perform, while retaining full compatibility to and from the leading libraries. This also means you can grab a dataset from torchvision datasets and use it directly with tensorflow:

import do
import torchvision

torch_usps = torchvision.datasets.USPS('../dataset/path', download=True)
tensorflow_usps = do.from_pytorch(torch_usps).to_tensorflow()

Development Status

The library is still under heavy development and the API may be subject to change.

What follows here is a list of implemented and planned features.



Dataset information

Sampling and splitting

Item manipulation

Dataset combinations


If you use this software, please cite it as below:

  author = {Hedegaard, Lukas and Oleksiienko, Illia and Legaard, Christian Møldrup},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7223644},
  month = {10},
  title = {{DatasetOps}},
  version = {0.0.7},
  year = {2022}