LukeSmithxyz / LARBS

Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts: Installation Scripts for My Arch Linux Meta-Distribution
GNU General Public License v3.0
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I would like to manage a way to disable the terminals bold text. #532

Open aabbccddeeffggj opened 10 months ago

aabbccddeeffggj commented 10 months ago

Hi, I went after it and there is a patch to add the feature of disabling bold text, but it didn't work, not sure if it is due to the modifications from LARBS or if the patch is not up to date for the current st version, or something else. After that I try installing a new terminal emulator, xst, which is a fork that have the option to disable the bold text, I installed and indeed, it even came without the bold, but the keybindings (I think) are all messed up: when I press a key it prints normally, then if I press the same key right after again the key is printed twice; and there're also other irregularities too. Anyone got a suggestion? I even uninstalled my entire system I setup with LARBS and installed Void to make everything from scratch for this sole reason, but when I got stuck in building it I finally accepted that what I was doing was stupid, and went back to LARBS, first I need to learn more things about Linux. Thanks.

aartoni commented 9 months ago

Hey @aabbccddeeffggj can you give more context about the issue? I'm especially interested in: